
Wednesday 23 May 2007

United Oversea Bank Precious Metal Account

Precious Metals
A wide range of gold and silver investments

Interested in Precious Metals? We offer a wide range of investment options in gold and silver.

Tell me more

Gold Bars
Choose from a large variety of sizes, ranging from small gold wafers to cast kilobars. They can be bought from and sold back to the Bank with our daily buy-sell market quote.
Gold Bullion Coins
We offer the following bullion coins in various sizes, ranging from 1/20 oz to one oz:
  • Canadian Maple Leaf Gold Coins
  • American Eagle Gold Coins
  • Australian Kangaroo Gold Nuggets
  • Singapore Lion Gold Bullion Coins
These coins are legal tender with face value, and are accepted and traded worldwide. They can be bought from and sold back to the Bank with our daily buy-sell market quote.

Adjusted for Singapore market conditions.
Gold CertificatesThese are sold in kilobars and up to a maximum of 30 kilobars per certificate. With no expiry date, these certificates can be exchanged for physical gold or cash whenever the need arises.

Gold Savings Account
You can buy and sell international gold - through a passbook - at prevailing market prices and transact any time during banking hours in units of one gm of gold, subject to a minimum of five gm per transaction.

Your gains are not subject to Singapore's Goods and Services Tax (GST) and can be exchanged for cash, whenever the need arises.

Limited to a maximum of 1,000 gm per transaction on Saturdays.

Silver Savings Account
It has never been easier to invest in silver. We have made the international silver market more accessible to smaller investors through our Silver Savings Account, where you can own unallocated silver bullion with a minimum fineness of 99.9%.

You can buy and sell international silver - through a passbook - at prevailing market prices in multiples of 10 ounces of silver each time, limited to a maximum of 500 ounces per transaction on Saturdays.

Your gains are not subject to Singapore's Goods and Services Tax (GST) and can be exchanged for cash, whenever the need arises.
How much does it cost?
  • Check our daily gold and silver prices
  • For Gold Bars: Prices are based on the daily international gold price adjusted based on Singapore market conditions
  • For Gold Bullion Coins: Prices include a premium over the international gold price
  • For Gold Certificates:
    • A flat S$5 per certificate
    • An administrative fee of S$30 per kilobar per annum
  • For Gold Savings Account: An administrative fee (in grams of gold) as low as 0.12 gm per month or 0.25% p.a. on the highest balance per month, whichever is higher
  • For Silver Savings Account: An annual administrative fee (in ounces of silver) as low as 0.2 ounce per month or 0.375% p.a. on the highest balance per month, whichever is higher
How do I apply?
Where can I get more information?
  • Call us at (65) 6539 2971 / 6539 2887 (closed on Saturdays)
  • Fax to us at (65) 6534 5638
  • Email us
What are the risk factors?Investments in gold and silver are not guaranteed by the Bank and are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Value of the investments and administrative fees can go up or down, depending on the fluctuations in international and/or local gold and silver markets and foreign exchange market.
The above is not to be used or considered as an offer, or invitation to offer, to sell or to buy the above product or any of the securities or other investment products referred to herein, and does not constitute a recommendation by the Bank to enter into any transaction or any form of commitment by the Bank to enter into any transaction. The Bank has not taken any steps to ensure that the product is suitable for any particular investor and unless the Bank otherwise agrees, the Bank is not acting as your adviser or in any fiduciary capacity in respect of any proposed transaction in relation to the above product, or any other transaction. Nothing herein constitutes investment, legal, accounting or tax advice, or a representation that any investment is suitable for or appropriate to your investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs, or otherwise constitutes a personal recommendation to you. The above does not purport to identify or suggest all the risks or material considerations which may be associated with the proposed product. As such, it is recommended that before entering into any transaction, you should take steps to ensure, without reference to the Bank, that you have a full understanding of the terms, conditions and risks thereof and are capable of and willing to assume those risks in the light of your own investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs. If you are in doubt as to any aspect of any transaction in respect of the above product, please consult your own legal, regulatory, tax, business, investment, financial and accounting advisers. While based on information believed to be reliable, this document and its contents are provided on an “as is” basis. The Bank does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information contained in this document.

The Bank and its affiliates, connected or related companies, directors, employees or clients may have an interest in the above product or its related products or other financial instruments, or derivatives (collectively, the “Products”) including, in relation to the Products, marketing, dealing, holding, acting as market-makers, performing financial or advisory services, acting as a manager or co-manager of a public offering. The Bank, its affiliates, connected or related companies, directors or employees may also have alliances, contractual agreements, or broking, investment banking or other relationships for the provision of financial services, with any product provider mentioned in this document.

Here we go, this is the service provided by UOB group Singapore. Invest in GOLD not paper !

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